Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All I Want is Everything

I have recently come to the realization that I am an insufferable snob. Actually, I take that back. On some level, I think I've always known as much.
But last night, when I finally spoke to the guy from my last post after screening him all weekend, it pretty much solidified things for me. In a good way.
It was actually a surprisingly good conversation. I was in an especially candid mood, so when he once again brought up his desire to be owned by me, I put him on the spot about it. Nicely. I didn't say, "Why in the world would you want to be owned by someone who can barely stand you?" or anything like that. It was a tactful candor, and I was feeling pretty mellow. I asked him why he specifically wanted me to own him when he's mentioned to me before that several other Mistresses have actually expressed an interest in owning him.
This was a favorite trick of Tool's, too... telling me how in demand he was, but that he only wanted to serve me. I don't know if it was some juvenile "make you jealous" tactic or something like that; frankly, I never really paid much attention to it, and I took the same track with this guy. Unlike Tool, however, he's cute and young and it's more within the realm of possibility... if the challenge of a mouthy sub happened to be what someone was into.
"It seems like you keep coming back to this, and I'm just curious as to what it is about me specifically. Didn't you tell me there were a bunch of other Mistresses who wanted to collar you?"
While a bit vague, his response seemed legitimate. Something along the lines of how a lot of girls in the scene are flaky, and I'm the most genuine girl he's come across. "Plus, you're really cool."
It really kinda made me feel bad that the sentiment wasn't more mutual. "Well, thank you," I said, "I just wondered what your reasoning was behind it since we don't really share any of the same interests fetish-wise or anything, y'know? I wouldn't want someone to have to completely change everything about themselves, so I thought maybe you'd be better off with someone who shared more of the same interests as you was all. Compatibility's a big thing for me, and while it's flattering and all, I wouldn't really feel right asking someone to give up what they're into just to fit into some mold for me."
This wasn't really anything I'd ever thought too in-depth about before - in fact, it was all right off the cuff - but as I said it ... I realized it was something I actually really believed in. Maybe it's not especially "Domme-like" of me, and I certainly support the whole idea of taking someone's fetishes into account, but ultimately, it's my scene, my rules, and I control everything that happens. And I've found that I definitely get off on the power exchange of someone being willing to do something solely to please me (ie: a non-masochist taking pain as Nate did at Suspension or the day John finally caved on the whole forced-cum-feeding thing), but on the flip side ... I also really do believe in having at least some common ground as well. It just seems like setting yourself up for failure otherwise.
"Well, I just want to do whatever the girl's into. It's more about making you happy," he replied, "I mean, obviously we'd need to get to know each other better first."
"Right, of course," I agreed, "And as of right now, I wouldn't rule out having you as a video sub, but as far as anything else, I'm not sure you really understand what you're up against when you're saying you want to be owned by me."
"What do you mean?" That was all I needed; that simple question was the shotgun blast opening of the starting gates, and I was off.
"I'm pretty much the 'all I want is everything' girl," I began (no idea where that one came from, but I dug it anyway, so I went with it), "I want the total package. Respect, reliability ... all those things I listed for you the other day. And then some. I don't own anyone right now, and I'm completely okay with that because, bottom line, I'm not going to settle for anything less than everything, and I'm not going to lead someone on if they don't completely fit my definition of that."
And I could be wrong, but I think that little speech may have watered his respect gene a bit ... at least where I'm concerned.
Either way, it definitely pumped me up. I guess it's true that we learn something new every day, and those lessons are often found in the places where we least expect them. Less than a week ago, if anyone had told me I would inadvertently learn so much about myself over the course of a twenty minute phone conversation with this particular guy, of all people, I would have laughed in their faces. But then again, I suppose stranger things have happened.


  1. I understand completely about wanting to have some common ground fetish wise.

    At the moment I've said to the domme I've been visiting that I want to do what makes her happy. I gave her a long list of things I liked in our first session, but now I just want to see the "Happy Mistress" face.

    Now as the domme she does what makes her happy, but even so, she knows about my interests and she plays to them sometimes. I think it's her way of drawing the submission out of me of that makes sense. I don't think we could have started out with her just doing whatever she liked even if it did nothing for me. There had to be mutual interests from the beginning for her to get me into the place I am now.

    As for wanting everything, I suppose if you are going to "own" someone, that makes perfect sense. With casual play here and there there can be compromises on both sides. You might play with someone who wasn't into all of the thihgs that you like because, after all, it's just playing. But if you are going to enter into such a high level of commitment, you had better be getting everything you need, and for that matter, so should your subbie.

    I've never been owned for longer than the time I've worn a collar in a session (well, recently I slept in my collar because I was so proud haivng just earned it.) If I was to even countenance such a shift, it would have to be with someone who was your proverbial total package. And I would have to be the total package for them.

  2. Exactly! And I don't even necessarily think you need to share ALL the same interests... I definitely enjoy exploring new things and learning what makes someone tick. But as a friend of mine put it when he and I were discussing the subject last night, I definitely don't want someone who has NO desires of their own...robots kinda aren't my thing. ;)
